Greek New Testament Sentence Diagrams
as published in BibleWorks®
The set of Greek New Testament sentence diagrams that I drew for BibleWorks®, which ceased publication of its software in 2018, is now available in PDF form through this website. The diagrams are available in two textual forms: the Nestle-Aland 28th edition (NA28) and the SBL Greek New Testament (SBL). These are the only Greek editions for which the diagrams are currently for sale. Diagrams for both editions are also available as resources within Logos Bible Software; see below for further information regarding Logos versions.

A very big thanks is due to Mike Bushell, owner of BibleWorks®, for granting me joint copyright to the diagrams for republication in these forms and perhaps in other forms (including print) in the future.

The PDF form of the diagrams for sale here, over 2,000 pages in length, includes:
  • Diagrams of entire Greek New Testament
  • Over 1,000 grammatical notes of various kinds
  • Supporting documentation, such as:
    • Background to the project
    • Policies observed in drawing the diagrams
    • How-to guide on sentence diagramming
Available versions:

Nestle-Aland 28th Edition (NA28)
  • $35: Locked version (pages contain a small stamp identifying the licensee; allows copy/paste but no markup or commenting)
  • $39: Unlocked version (allows full control, subject to terms of the license agreement) Note: The unlocked version is configured to allow markup, commenting and saving even in Adobe Acrobat Reader, without a full-fledged editing program. I am also making a limited-time offer of a free book (post-paid to U.S. addresses),upon request, with a full-price purchase of the Unlocked NA28 version. Details of this offer appear here[I am currently extending this offer to coupon-discount purchases as well; the requirement to request the book remains in place, as does the restriction to US mailing addresses.]
  • $6 each: Portions of the New Testament containing individual books or larger groups of books (11 separate portions). These smaller portions are locked as described above, and they carry an offer of a $5 coupon toward an upgrade to a complete set of either NA28 or SBL diagrams within 30 days of purchase. Further detail appears on the Purchase Diagrams page.
SBL Greek NT Edition (SBL)

Because of the favorable terms on which I was granted license to use the SBL Greek text, I am able to offer this version at significantly lower prices than NA28. The differences from NA28 are sufficient, though, to make me caution against purchasing this version just to save money if you are in fact using the NA text or its close companion the United Bible Societies (UBS) text. You will find an average of somewhere near five diagramming differences per chapter, some of which could be rather confusing. So if you are using the NA/UBS text, I recommend supporting the ongoing editorial work of those texts by purchasing the NA28 diagrams. For more information on the differences between the two editions, here is a 9-minute video discussion (if you choose the YouTube option you can speed it up!), which ran as the September 26, 2020 Weekend Edition of the Daily Dose of Greek.
  • $19: Locked version (as described above under NA28)
  • $24: Unlocked version (as described above under NA28). 
  • Click for a special offer of a Low-Priced version for $9.50.
  • The free book offer described above is not valid for SBL diagrams purchases. I will gladly send the book to US addresses at $6 post-paid (just under my actual cost), if you like. To claim this offer, go to the eBay offering of the book and use the "Make Offer" button to  offer $6. Use the "Add message to seller" button to add to your offer a comment that you purchased the SBL diagrams, and I will accept your offer and send the book. Details about the book appear here and especially at the eBay page offering the book.

Logos Bible Software has now released a Logos version of the NA28 diagrams. Also, the SBLGNT diagrams are now available within Logos beginning with version 9. The SBLGNT version is included in base packages at the Silver level and above. Click here for more information.

Also under consideration is a multi-volume print edition. At over 2,000 pages, the set would likely run up into the triple digit price range. A print edition of just the epistles, at probably about 1/3 the cost of the whole New Testament, is also an interesting idea, since sentence diagrams are especially valuable for the epistolary genre as compared to narrative. If you would like to register interest in a print edition (no purchase commitment necessary), please contact me via the form on the home page.

I am also interested in producing a Majority or Received-Text version of the diagrams. This would be a time-consuming project, and my efforts to explore possibilities for funding have produced no promising prospects. I would be happy to hear from any individual or organization that might be interested in sponsoring such a version of the diagrams, and I am open to the whole range of possibilities for the ownership of the resulting work. Please contact me via the form on the home page.

One other idea for development is an English version of the diagrams. This would not be a set of diagrams of an English translation but rather the diagrams showing the grammatical structure of the Greek but displaying English translations of each Greek word. There would be some readability issues, since some Greek idioms do not translate directly into English. But for students of the English Bible willing to dig for their treasures, this level of detail about Greek grammatical structure might prove very helpful. Input on this idea is welcome via the contact form on the home page.
A sample diagram:

I found Colossians 1:9-20 to be one of the New Testament's most challenging sentences to diagram within ordinary page-size boundaries:
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